Hello, I am Sarah Bolten

I know that we all have a treasure of pure gold within us

We spend our lives looking outside of ourselves for things to fix us, to soothe us, to avert our attention and to numb us. I hold space and guide people back to their own treasure of gold within, back to their true selves.

I work with creatives, business professionals and generally wonderful humans who, due to the stresses of life, have momentarily forgotten who they are, what they stand for and how to live with joy in this world.

My work centers on reconnection and grounding. Starting with ourselves, then reconnecting with others, nature and the world around us.

It is my greatest honour to assist you whilst you do the bravest thing you will ever do. To stop running and start the journey back to you, back to your true self.

Expect magic.

Love, Sarah x

Your inner child is safe with mine

Inner child work reconnects us to the part of us that knows how to be in the moment. Your inner child knows how to play, to be authentic and to feel deeply and unapologetically. For your inner child, nothing is impossible.

I have experienced how powerful inner child work is in my own journey of recovery and that is why it forms a deep foundation to my practice. It is a gift to share these breakthroughs with others. Our inner child and our adult self when combined, make a phenomenal force for creativity, self-expression and love.

Do you remember a time when you had big dreams and life goals – maybe when you were a child?

These dreams may have faded or been side-lined but not because you are not worthy of them. We get distracted trying to be good, living life ‘right’ according to others’ needs whilst so often, forgetting our own.

It is time to start living the life you were born to live.

‘Anything that is ‘wrong’ with you began as a coping mechanism in childhood.’

– Gabor Mate

‘Being confident and joyful is not about looking better or doing better. Being confident and joyful is actually about feeling safe. Safe to be yourself in the world.’

– Sarah Bolten